Object: M27 (Film)
Date: July 2001
Exposure(s): 25 Min, 25 Min, 15 Min, 15 Min, 8Min
Film: Kodak LE400
Equipement: 10" f/10 Meade OTA w/GEG @ f/7.5
Guiding: ST-4.
Hardware & Software: HP S20xi film scanner with Hamricks VueScan. The scans were processed (mostly light pollution removal and levels adjustment) with Picture Window Pro, and then digitally stacked using Registar 1.0.
Info: M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula.
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula
Object: M27
Date: July 20, 2007
Location: "My-Spot" Observatory, West Bloomfield, Michigan (4.2 ZLM)
Exposure(s): 39x 5 Min @ ISO 200 (195 Minutes)
Camera: Unmodified Konica Minolta Maxxum 7D
Equipement: 10" f/10 Meade OTA w/GEG and focal reducer at f/7.5 on Losmandy G-11
Guide Scope: ETX90 OTA and SBIG ST-4
Software & Processing: RAW image files were dark frame subtracted and converted to Tif files using my RawHide RAW file converter. The Tifs were then aligned and stacked using Registar 1.0.7 and then processed and cropped using Picture Window Pro.
Other Notes: First time I used a Light Pollution Filter (Orion Broadband). The good news was to did a great job with this nebula. The bad news is I really don't like what it does to the stars and their color.